Monday, January 19, 2009

The Truth About Chesed: Is it always Chesed?

Neshei of Ishei Yisrael invites all women of the community to a shiur on the topic of "The Truth About Chesed: Is it always Chesed?" given by Mrs. Aviva Feiner, noted lecturer and teacher in Israel and the US

Sunday, January 25, 8 PM
at Kehilas Ishei Yisrael
YCQ JRHS building – 147-37 70th Rd. – entrance through the schoolyard, lower level Sponsored by Yoni & Michele Kirschner, Leilui Nishmas the father of Michele Kirschner, Raphael David ben Ephraim Meir Dov, on his 3rd Yahrzeit

Suggested Donation:
$3 members, $5 non members Questions? Please contact

Guard your tongue and help Jewish singles

It is now easier than ever to learn the laws of forbidden speech and receive encouragement to refrain from speaking it. All you need to do is go to and click on the "join today" button. Upon signing up you will receive an email every day (except Shabbos) containing a brief lesson in a very readable format.

The learning is done as a merit for Jewish singles across the world. You can also have yourself in mind or a loved one. Many people who have signed on have reported back that they or their loved one found their shidduch shortly after.

You have nothing to loose and everything to gain. You can become a better person and help your fellow Jew. Why not give it a try? Their are currently over 1100 signed on. The larger the group the greater the merit. Let's make a difference for ourselves and our single Jewish brothers and sisters. It really helps!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


There will be a QUEENS RALLY IN SUPPORT OF ISRAEL in front of the Vleigh Library on Wednesday, January 14 at 6:00pm.It is sponsored by the QJCC, NYC Council member Jim Gennaro and the Vaad Harobonim of Queens. Please make an effort to attend this event.

Monday, January 05, 2009

statement issued by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America concerning the current situation in Eretz Yisroel

Following is a statement issued by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America concerning the current situation in Eretz Yisroel. May we hear only good news in coming days.

Chaim Dovid Zwiebel David ZwiebelExecutive Vice

President for Government and Public AffairsAgudath Israel of America42 BroadwayNew
York, NY 10004Tel: 212-797-7385; 212-797-9000, ext. 333Fax: 646-254-1650 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
לבני ישראל היקרים, הדואגים אל אחיהם בעת צרה.
לאור המצב כעת אשר אלפי יהודים יושבי ארץ הקודש נתונים בסכנה מפרעות אויב, ראינו לנכון להדגיש ביותר החובה המוטלת על כולנו להתעורר בתפלה ולבקש רחמים על אחינו היקרים ולהרבות בצדקה וזכיות על שארית ישראל שלא יאונה להם שוד ושבר, ויש לחזק הנהוג לומר פרקי תהלים פג קל קמב בכל יום, וגם לשפוך שיח בתחנונים של "והוא רחום" שאומרים בשני וחמישי, ובברכת "השכיבנו" בערבית שמבקשים ופרוש עלינו סכת שלומך וחותמים שומר עמו ישראל לעד. והשי"ת ברוב רחמיו וחסדיו יגן על עמו ונחלתו ויחלצם ממיצר, ויוציאנו מאפלה לאורה ומשעבוד לגאולה אכי"ר.
ח' טבת תשס"ט
מועצת גדולי התורה בארה"ב
* * *

To all dear Jews concerned about their fellow-Jews in this time of distress:

In light of the current situation, in which thousands of Jews in the Holy Land are in danger due to the attacks of the enemy, we regard it as proper to strongly emphasize the obligation on us all to awaken ourselves in prayer, to ask for Divine mercy for our dear brethren and to increase our charity and good deeds for the protection of the remnant of Yisroel from any and all harm. We should intensify the practice of reciting chapters 83, 130 and 142 of Tehillim each day, and fervently pour out our hearts in the prayer "V'hu Rachum" said on Monday and Thursday mornings and in the blessing of "Hashkiveinu" in Ma'ariv, where we ask Hashem to "spread upon us Your tent of peace" and conclude "the Guardian of His nation Yisroel forever."

May Hashem in His abundant mercy and kindness shield His nation and heritage, release them from all straits, and take us from darkness to light and from subjugation to redemption. Amein, may it be His will.

8 Teves, 5769

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America