Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Zmanim for Korach

Friday Candle Lighting: 8:13
Mincha Friday: 7:00/8:20
Sof Zman Kreas Shmah Shabbos: 9:12
Mincha Shabbos: 6:00/8:10
Maariv Motzai Shabbos 9:15

Sunday & Monday (Legal Holiday) Shacharis: 8:00 & 9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Thursday: 8:20

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Zmanim for Shlach

Friday Candle Lighting: 8:13
Mincha Friday: 7:0/8:20
Sof Zman Kreas Shmah Shabbos: 9:11
Mincha Shabbos: 6:00/8:10
Maariv Motzai Shabbos 9:11

Sunday Shacharis: 8:00 & 9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Thursday: 8:20

Friday, June 10, 2005

Chesed L'Avraham Queens Event

Chesed L'Avraham invites the Queens Community to a special event to be held Tuesday, June 21, 2005, at 8:00 pm, at the Young Israel of Queens Valley, 77th Ave. and Main Street. Rav Yisscocher Frand shlita will be the guest speaker. The Skulener Rebbe will be present and meet with the community after the shiur. Please try to attend and help support this important international chesed and kiruv organization.

Please see Shragie Aranoff or Steve Weissmann for further details.

Zmanim for Nasso/Shavuos

Friday Candle Lighting: 8:08
Mincha Friday: 7:00/8:18
Sof Zman Kreas Shmah Shabbos: 9:09
Mincha Shabbos: 6:00/8:06
Maariv Motzai Shabbos 9:11

Sunday Shacharis: 8:00 & 9:00
Sunday Candle Lighting: 8:09
Mincha Sunday: 8:20

Shacharis Monday Hashkoma 4:40 (Neitz 5:23)/9:00
Sof Zman Shmah: 9:09
Mincha Monday: 6:00/8:20
Maariv 9:00
Monday Candle Lighting after 9:12

Shacharis Tuesday9:00
Sof Zman Shmah: 9:09
Mincha Monday: 6:00/8:20
Maariv 9:05

Mincha/Maariv Tuesday-Thursday: 8:20

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tefillas Ha'Sheloh - Tomorrow - Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Tuesday, June 7

All parents want the best for their children — that they should be good and upright, that they have everything they need for a fruitful, joyous life.

The classic work, Shelah HaKadosh, contains a prayer that parents should recite for their children at any time of the year — but especially on the day before Rosh Chodesh Sivan, for that is the month when God gave us the Torah, and when the Jewish people began to be called His Children. On that day, he writes, fathers and mothers should give charity to the poor and repent. They should even fast, if they are able to.

You can download a copy of the Tefilla here