Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Zmanim for Yom Kippur

Slichos Sunday: 7:45/8:45

Mincha: 2:30
Sof Zman Achilah: 6:15

Candle Lighting 6:20
Kol Nidrei: 6:38

Yom Kippur
Shachris: 8:30
Maariv: 7:21

Zmanim for Haazinu

Friday Candle Lighting 6:23
Mincha: 6:35

Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Chumash Shiur 8:40 AM

Sof Zman Shmah: 9:46

Shabbos Shuva Drasha (for men and women): 5:00 <== Changed
Mincha Shabbos: 6:22
Maariv: 7:25

Mincha/Maariv Tuesday - Thursday: 6:24

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Zmanim for Rosh Hashana

Friday Erev Rosh Hashana Slichos: 5:30 AM
Candle Lighting 6:35
Mincha: 6:40

Shachris: 8:00 AM
Sof Zman Shemah: 9:44
Mincha Shabbos: 6:30
Maariv: 7:35
Shabbos Night Candle Lighting 7:43

Sunday (Second day of Rosh Hashana)
Shachris: 8:00 AM
Mincha: TBA
Maariv: 7:35

Monday Tzom Gedalyah
Fast Starts 5:24
Shacharis 6:00
Mincha/Maariv 6:35
Fast Ends 7:21

Slichos/Shachris all week 6:20
Mincha/Maariv Tuesday - Thursday: 6:35

Friday, September 15, 2006

Emergency Rally Outside UN Headquarters


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The scheduled visit to New York of the Iranian President – a man who has described the Holocaust as “a myth” and called for Israel to be “wiped off the map,” a man who pursues destructive nuclear capacity in defiance of the entire world community, a man who sponsors terror and mayhem in the Middle East and beyond – should fill every civilized heart with revulsion.

And it should fill every Jewish heart with something more.

The arrival of this would-be heir to Hitler should remind all Jews how little has truly changed since millions of Jews were last targeted for destruction, r”l. And it should remind us, no less, of the uniquely vulnerable position of Yisroel bein ho’amim, Jewry among the nations, and of the fact that ein lonu al mi lehishoein ela al Avinu She’baShomayim – We can depend on no one but Our Father in Heaven.

Therefore, at this critical time, and during this season of introspection and repentance, we call upon all Jews to return to our sacred heritage, with tefillah and renewed allegiance to Torah, our eternal wellspring of life, the source of our strength to withstand all our enemies.

Along with our supplications, we feel it is our duty as well to express to the world our deep anguish over the presence in our midst of a vicious ruler who threatens genocide against Jews.

A number of Jewish groups are planning to gather outside the United Nations headquarters, at

Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza (2nd Avenue and 47th Street in Manhattan)
on Wednesday 27 Elul / September 20 at 12:00 noon

to present a collective Jewish expression of outrage at the General Assembly’s hosting of the Iranian leader, of support for Israel’s security and soldiers, and of solidarity in the fight against the global scourge of terrorism.

Whatever differences may separate us from some of those groups, we stand united here with all Jews.

Therefore, after consultation with the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and following the precedent of the previous generation’s Gedolim in similar circumstances, we urge all who are able to do so to participate in the planned gathering. We have been assured that a special section will be made available for men and women to gather in separate areas, and we will lift our voices in tefillah to Hashem, secure in the knowledge that Bechol dor vodor omdim aleinu lechaloseinu veHakodosh Boruch Hu matzileinu miyodom. In every generation, there are those who stand against us to annihilate us, but Hashem saves us from their hand.

Additional details will be forthcoming.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ask the Red Cross to check on Kidnapped Israeli soldiers!

This is quick and easy and VERY important to do.
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Why could the Red Cross be denying Israeli soldiers that which they routinely do for every country?

Please join over 1200 individuals imploring the Red Cross to act now.

Go to: www.petitiononline.com/habanim3 http://www.petitiononline.com/habanim3

The families have not heard from the 3 abducted soldiers since their capture. The petition is directed to the Int.l Committee of the Red Cross, the organization responsible for implementing the Geneva Convention which states that every prisoner of war has the right to contact their family.

This is a parent's worst nightmare. Let's do what we can to keep the pressure up and help the families of Gilad Schalit, Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev.

Seats for Yom Tov and the Year

As we prepare to begin the new year we would like take this opportunity to wish all of our members and friends a Keteva VaChateema Tovah and a happy and healthy new year. We would also like to remind you, that this is the time of year that we collect membership dues and ask you to pay for your seats for the year and for the Yommim Noraim.

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Membership this year is $200, adult seats are $150, and seats for children (living at home) over bar/bat mitzvah age is $25. For those of you who do not daven with us on a "regular" basis we also have a Chaver membership (at $100) so that you too can express you appreciation to the Rov & help us cover our expenses.

As our shul has B”H grown and many of our mispallelim have guests coming for Yom Tov, please let us know if you do not plan on using your seats.

You can make your reservations via the internet by sending me an e-mail at jfaska@dtcc.com and the seating committee will be available the first night of Slichos from 10:00 PM to Midnight in the shul.

Please note: payment arrangements MUST be made by Motzai Shabbos September 16th. After that date, we will make your seats available, as needed, to others.

Please do not wait for Slichos (12:30) to come and make your arrangements, because we too need to prepare for the Yom Hadin and ask for rachamim.

Thank You

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Zmanim for Nitzavim Vayelech

Friday Candle Lighting 6:47
Mincha: 6:55

Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Chumash Shiur 8:30 AM

Sof Zman Shmah: 9:43

Shiur in Halacha: 1 hour before Mincha
Mincha Shabbos: 6:45
Maariv: 7:50

Sale of seats for the Yomim Noraim & entire year: 10:00 - 12:00

Slichos: 12:35 AM

Shacharis Sunday 8:00/9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Tuesday: 6:55??
Mincha/Maariv Wednesday - Thursday: 6:50??

Slichos all week: 6:35 AM
Slichos Friday Erev Rosh Hashana: 5:30 AM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Zmanim for Ki Tavo

Friday Candle Lighting 6:59
Mincha: 7:07 <== Only one minyan

Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Chumash Shiur 8:30 AM

Sof Zman Shmah: 9:41

Shiur in Halacha: 1 hour before Mincha
Mincha Shabbos: 6:55
Maariv: 8:00

Shacharis Sunday 8:00/9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Tuesday: 7:02
Mincha/Maariv Wednesday - Thursday: 7:00

Chesed L'Avraham Queens Event

Chesed L'Avraham and the Skulener Rebbe invite the Queens Community to a special event to be held next Tuesday evening, September 12th, at 8:30 pm, at the Young Israel of Queens Valley. HaRav Ephraim Wachsman, the renowned and inspiring Rosh Yeshivas Meor Yitzchok of Monsey, will be the guest speaker.

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Chesed L'Avraham is an organization founded by the previous Skulener Rebbe zt"l that for the past 25 years has taken care of more than 40,000 boys and girls in Eretz Yisroel. Chesed L'Avraham specializes in yesomim and children from broken homes, caring for them completely from childhood up to and including the making of their chasunas.

Please try to attend and help support this important international chesed and kiruv organization.

Please see Shragie Aranoff or Steve Weissmann for further details.