Thursday, March 17, 2011


I recieved this from a member of our shul.

Rav Eisenman in Passaic sent out the following e-mail. I believe we should each consider undertaking this in our respective Shuls, with appropriate advance publicity. May we hear of only simchos in the future.


How to we respond to the massacre in Itamar?
What can we do?
How should we react?

Obviously, the ways of Hashem are beyond our comprehension.
Obviously we must leave true and complete justice to Hashem.
Nevertheless, we must react and we must respond; indeed, how can we not react?
We have just lost three Jewish children and their parents.

The Torah tells us after the death of the two sons’ of Aharon: Then Moses said to Aaron, "This is what the Lord spoke, , 'I will be sanctified through those near to Me, and before all the people I will be glorified.' “And Aaron was silent (Vayikra 10:3)

The response of Aharon to the death of his sons was silence.
So too let us respond with silence.

This Shabbos is Parshas Zachor.
This Shabbos we remember Amalek and how they wanted to destroy us.
This week we are told to remember; and remember we must do.

What better way to remember the kedoshim (holy martyrs) of Itamar than through ‘silence’?

We are well aware how our Torah leaders throughout the generations taught us that talking in Shul brings about calamities (Chas V’Shalom) to our community.

Therefore, as a proper response to what has occurred in Itamar I am proposing an SOS program.


This Shabbos, Parshas Zachor – March 19th 2011- We all should accept upon ourselves (bli neder) not to talk AT ALL in Shul for the entire time we are in Shul.

Meaning, from the time we enter the Shul (the actual sanctuary- not including an anteroom or the lobby) until the davening totally ends- [which means the completion of Adon Olam (or however your Shul ends davening)] – everyone; men, women and children- agree to accept upon themselves not to talk anything outside of tefillah (prayer) for the duration of the entire davening.

This includes NOT talking between Aliyos.
This includes NOT saying ‘Good Shabbos’ from the time davening has begun until it totally ends.
This includes not talking to our children who if they need to be ‘shushed’ and/or quieted down should not be there in the first place.
This includes everything outside of davening itself.

You may ask that this is very difficult?
You may ask that this is too hard to ask of the kehilla?
I ask you in retort:
How can we not respond to the massacre in Itamar in a meaningful way?
How can we not make this ‘minor’ sacrifice of being silent for one Shabbos davening while the five kedoshim of Itamar have already made the ultimate sacrifice?

Therefore, I am asking of all of you who will daven with us this Shabbos to assist us in responding to the tragedy by bettering ourselves and with self-improvement in the manner of Aharon HaKohen - And Aaron was silent.

A note to those of our readers who do not daven with us at Ahavas Israel in Passaic:

If you feel this SOS program is for you and for your Shul/community- please feel free to forward this and institute this in your Shul.
I do not care at all if you quote me or not.
I just care about doing something meaningful as a response to the massacre.

How beautiful and meaningful it would be if all Shuls all over the world would be ‘silent’ for this Shabbos as a response to the terrible tragedy of Itamar.

May Hashem ‘hear’ our silence response as He did to the silence of Aharon.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Digital Dangers: What Today’s Parent MUST Know

Forrest Hills, NY March 2, 2011- Dr. Norman Blumenthal will be speaking motzei Shabbos parshas Vayikra on the topic of “Digital Dangers: What Today’s Parent MUST Know”, at the JCCA Bukharian Teen Lounge in Forest Hills.

Doctor Blumenthal will address the unique challenges the modern parent faces when wrestling with their “plugged in” kids. Dr. Norman Bluementhal is a licensed psychologist affiliated with North Shore-LIJ & Zucker Hillside Hospital as a Youth Crisis Intervention Specialist who speaks to many communities on many parenting topics. Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov of Kehilat Spehardim of Ahavat Achim will be speaking as well.

This event is a joint project being offered to the community by Bechirot along with FEGS, JCCA, and the UJA Partners in Caring program. The event is scheduled for 8:00 PM on Saturday, March 12th. The address is 64-05 Yellowstone Blvd, Suite CFU-105, Forest Hills, NY 11375 (lower side entrance - access on 64th Rd). All are welcome to attend free of charge

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Rav Brevda- Matonos L'Evyonim Campaign 5771/2011s

Dear Friends,

On behalf of HaRav Shlomo Brevda shlita, we are once again asking for your help in raising funds for the Rav's annual MATONOS L'EVYONIM CAMPAIGN.

Each year, ON PURIM DAY, Rav Brevda distributes thousands of dollars directly to poor and needy families. B"H, so many of you participated very generously in this campaign in past years and together we were zocheh to help many families in a direct and timely manner.

In this tough economy, we are all very sensitive and aware of the dire financial situation facing so many of our brothers and sisters. Rav Brevda has a strong connection with numerous families in BOTH New York City and Eretz Yisroel, who are suffering financially to a virtually unbearable degree. These families count on our support.

Please help out as generously as you are able.

Checks may be made payable to "CONG. BAIS MEDRASH GOVOHA". If you would like a receipt, please make checks out to "BRESLAV WORLD CENTERS" (Tax Id # 11-2806596).

Please mail to my home at:
7348 136TH STREET


Please don't hesitate to call me on my cell at 516-817-2760 or email me at with any questions.

On more important note: As many of you may be aware, Rav Brevda shlita is very ill and has been undergoing difficult treatments. Please keep davening and saying tehillim for Shlomo Leib ben Miriam. May your participation in this mitzvah serve as a zcus for the Rav to receive a Refuah Shelaima bsoch shaar choleh Yisroel.

Tizku L'Mitzvos & Ah Freilechin Purim to All,

Shragie Aranoff

P.S. Please forward this email to any of your friends or relatives that may want to share in this Mitzvah.

Avigdors Helping Hand -Purim Cards

You have an opportunity to send friends a Simchas Purim, while helping support an organization, based here in Kew Gardens Hills, and which is reaching out to Jews in all 50 states.

Avigdors Helping Hand, a 501C3 non profit tax charity, helps families if there is G-d forbid a loss of a parent. AHH is also one of the largest Hachnosos Kallah organizations in the country, helping Yesomin get to their chasunah, with financial assistance.

Purim cards are 1 for $4.00 and 5 cards for $18.00

Please e-mail your orders to:
or call AHH at 718-568-9720 or Mrs. Esther Marciano at 718-544-2076

Thank you & tizku Lemitzvot,

Eli Glaser