Monday, September 24, 2007

Zmanim for Sukkos

Wednesday Erev Sukkos
Candle Lighting 6:29
Mincha: 6:35
Maariv: 7:15

Thursday First day of Sukkos:
Shacharis: 9:00
Sof Zman Shmah: 9:48

Mincha: 6:30
Candle Lighting 7:30
Maariv: 7:25

Friday Second day of Sukkos:
Shacharis: 9:00
Sof Zman Shmah: 9:48

Candle Lighting 6:26
Mincha: 6:30
Maariv: 7:15

Shimcahas Beis Hasoevah: TBA

Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Chumash Shiur 8:30 AM

Sof Zman Shmah: 9:48

Shiur in Halacha: 1 hour before Mincha
Mincha Shabbos: 6:23
Maariv: 7:28

Shacharis Sunday 8:00/9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Wednesday: 6:25

Shacharis Chol Hamoed:6:45/8:00
Mincha/Maariv: 6:25

Wednesday night: Mishna Torah TBA

Hoshana Rabba
Candle Lighting 6:17
Mincha: 6:35
Maariv: TBA

Shemini Atzeres (Yizkor)
Shacharis: 9:00
Sof Zman Shmah: 9:50

Mincha: 6:20
Candle Lighting 7:19
Maariv: TBA

Simchas Torah
Shacharis: 8:00
Sof Zman Shmah: 9:50

Candle Lighting 6:14
Mincha: 6:20
Maariv: TBA

Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Chumash Shiur 8:30 AM

Sof Zman Shmah: 9:48

Shiur in Halacha: 1 hour before Mincha
Mincha Shabbos: 6:10
Maariv: 7:15

Shacharis Sunday 8:00/9:00
Mincha/Maariv All week: 6:15

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Zmanim for Yom Kippur

Friday Mincha: 2:45
Sof zman achelah: 6:45
Candle Lighting 6:37
Kol Nidrei: 7:20

Shabbos/Yom Kippus
Shacharis: 8:00

Maariv & time fast ends: 7:34

Shacharis Sunday 8:00/9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Tuesday: 6:40

Monday, September 10, 2007

Hachanasas Sefer Torah/Sium Hashas Update

We are pleased to announce that the Hachanasas Sefer Torah/Sium Hashas in honor of Rav and Rebbetzin Arielli will take place iy'h on Sunday, October 14 (2 Cheshvan).

The writing of the final letters will begin at 10:30 AM, followed by a procession to the shul, and culminating with a Seuda and Siyum HaShas.

If you have undertaken to participate in the learning for the Siyum, PLEASE LET US KNOW THE NUMBER OF BLATT YOU HAVE REMAINING. If you have not yet finished your learning for the siyum, we urge you to take advantage of the upcoming yomim tovim to complete your learning.

If you have not done so yet, there are still opportunities open for you to be part of our 25th anniversary tribute of the completion and presentation of a Sefer Torah in honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin. At this time, Sefer Bamidbar($2,500), and a select number of Parshios ($1,000) and Special Parshios ($500), remain available. There are also dedication opportunities available for Perakim ($180), Pesukim ($100), Words ($36) and Letters ($18). You can contact either Shragie Aranoff (516-817-2760) or Shmuel Kazarnovsky (917-468-0944) for further details. Your check may be made out to the Shul and left with the Rav or any of the gabayim. Please note “Sefer Torah Project” on the check.

Thank you for your participation in this exciting event, and best wishes to you and yours for a Ksiva VaChasima Tova.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Zmanim for Nitzavim Vayelech

Friday Candle Lighting 7:01
Mincha: 7:10 <- -- Only one minyan

Daf Yomi 8:00
Chumash Shiur 8:40 AM

Sof Zman Shmah: 9:41

Shiur in Halacha: 1 hour before Mincha
Mincha Shabbos: 7:00
<- Only one minyan
Maariv: 8:05

Seats will be sold from 10 PM to midnight
Slichos 12:30 AM

Shacharis Sunday 8:00/9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Tuesday: 7:00

Shacharis/Slichos Monday & Tuesday 6:35
Shacharis/Slichos Wednesday 5:30