Monday, August 29, 2005

Zmanim for Reeh

Friday Candle Lighting: 7:08
Mincha Friday: 7:20 (Only one minyan!)
Sof Zman Kreas Shmah Shabbos: 9:39
Mincha Shabbos: 6:00/7:05
Maariv Motzai Shabbos 8:10

Sunday & Monday (Legal Holiday) Shacharis: 8:00 & 9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Thursday: 7:05

Friday, August 26, 2005

Gush Katif Meeting at YI of KGH

The Emergency Relief Committee for Gush Katif presents Experience Gush Katif (at YI of KGH)

For us it may be over. For the families of Gush Katif, it's just the beginning?

featuring Assemblyman Dov Hikind,
Rivka Schuman, a resident of Kochav HaShachar, a community in the West Bank
Introductory remarks by Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld
A panel will follow

Monday August 29th at 8:30 pm
Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills
150-05 70th Rd.

MYTH ...The Jews of Gush Katif have been well compensated for their move.

FACT.... Not one family has yet received a shekel. Most of these proud homeowners are now living in scattered hotels like squatters with no government assistance.

Hear from our panel why in fact our support is needed now.

Donations from your generous contributions will go directly to the families of Gush Katif and the institutions they must now rebuild.
For questions or more info call 718 380-6427

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Zmanim for Eikev

Friday Candle Lighting: 7:19
Mincha Friday: 6:45/7:30
Sof Zman Kreas Shmah Shabbos: 9:36
Mincha Shabbos: 6:00/7:20
Maariv Motzai Shabbos 8:21

Sunday Shacharis: 8:00 & 9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Thursday: 7:20

Our Grief is Their Grief

The OU is collecting funds for families who formerly resided in Gaza and Northern Shomron, in order to help them rebuild their lives elsewhere.

Contributions may be made directly on the OU website:
- or - By sending your check, payable to: Orthodox Union Gaza Shomron Fund.

Mail to: Orthodox Union, 11 Broadway 14th Fl, New York, NY 10004.

Please write "Gaza/Shomron Fund" clearly on both the check and the envelope.

Friday, August 12, 2005


Mesorah Publishers has made available for download THE TALMUD ON DESTRUCTION and KINNOS FOR OUR TIME at

May we merit to see the rebuilding of Jerusalem and Shalom Al Yisrael speedily in our days!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Zmanim for Devarim & Tisha B'Av

Friday Candle Lighting: 7:39
Mincha Friday: 7:00/7:45
Sof Zman Kreas Shmah Shabbos: 9:30
Mincha Shabbos: 6:30 <== Only one minyan
Sof Zman Achilah: 7:45
Say Baruch HaMavdil after 8:46 and then change your shoes
Maariv Motzai Shabbos/Eicha 9:00

Sunday Tisha B'Av Shacharis: 9:00 <== Only one minyan
Chatzos: 1:00 PM
Mincha: 1:30/7:35
Maariv: 8:30
Fast Ends/Hadalah: 8:40

Mincha/Maariv Monday - Thursday: 7:40

Kol D'mei Achecha Tzoakim Elai

Rabbonei Kew Gardens Hills calls all Jews to a public emergency recitation of Tehillim because of the impending crisis in Israel

Thursday Evening
7th of Av - August 11th
from 8:30 - 9 p.m.
at the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills 150th Street and 70th Road

Friday, August 05, 2005

Zmanim for Masai

Shabbos is Rosh Chodesh Av

Friday Candle Lighting: 7:49
Mincha Friday: 7:00/7:55
Sof Zman Kreas Shmah Shabbos: 9:29
Mincha Shabbos: 6:00/7:45
Maariv Motzai Shabbos 8:50

Sunday Shacharis: 8:00 & 9:00
Mincha/Maariv Sunday - Thursday: 7:50