Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Hachnosas Sefer Torah / Siyum HaShas

With gratitude and praise to Hashem, we are honored to invite you to join us in celebrating the joyous occasion of completing and dedicating a new Sefer Torah and presenting it as a token of our heartfelt appreciation for 25 years of service to our Shul:

To our revered Mara De'asra Rabbi Shaul Arieli, טילש " א
and his esteemed Rebbetzin, טילת " א

Participants are invited to inscribe letters in the final Pesukim on Sunday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev, November 11, 2007, from 10:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. (by appointment), at the home of Mr. & Mrs. George Schwarcz, 75-05 137th Street. The procession of Hachnosas Sefer Torah will commence at 1:30 P.M. and will usher the new Sefer Torah to our Shul.

Following the procession, you are cordially invited to a Seudas Mitzvah in honor of this auspicious occasion, to be held in conjunction with a Siyum HaShas undertaken by our members in honor of our Rav טילש " א , at the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills located at 70-11 150th Street.

There are still numerous open dedication opportunities. For more information, please email COYTorah@Gmail.com or call Shmuel Kazarnovsky at 917-468-0944 or Shragie Aranoff at 516-817-2760.

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