Monday, May 04, 2009

Jewish Economics Survey

The purpose of the survey is touched on in the introduction; essentially its purpose is to gather data to gauge the approximate cost of living over different demographics across different frum communities, while it has simultaneously allowed those who've taken it to gain a better understanding of their own personal spending habits and finances. It also asks people to assess and give their opinions on the state of the frum community's finances and what problems exists and what advice they would give to young people starting out.

The results so far have been really interesting and extremely enlightening, and there's further discussion available on my blog, SerandEz, here.

The link to the survey is or, if you prefer a shorter URL,

In addition, I'll be giving the first public presentation on the survey this Wednesday, May 6th at 8:00 PM at the Mt. Sinai Jewish Center in Washington Heights. The title is "Playing - and Praying - in the Black, But Living in the RED". Admission is free. There might even be refreshments. :)

Thanks so much for your time!

Ezzie Goldish

-- SerandEz

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