Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hachnosas Sefer Torah in memory of Aliza a'h

With gratitude to Hashem,
I am pleased to invite all of you to a Hachnosas Sefer Torah in memory of Aliza a'h, Sunday, June 27th 2010 starting at 10:30am with writing the final letters of the torah and marching will start to the shul at 12pm.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated to such a worthy cause. I am sure that Aliza's neshoma will have a tremendous zechus, knowing that there is a Torah being read from... every week in her memory and that Chani will always know that this is in memory of her birth mother, Aliza a"h.

Chani and I are both so lucky and happy to have found an amazing wife and mother to be, and are looking very forward to starting our new lives together.

One of the main reasons for the Torah is so that Chani will have this Torah along with pictures and stories told to her to remeber Aliza for the loving and devoted mother that she was.

Please join us in celebration to complete the final letters of the Torah at the home of Shmuel and Rivka Kazernovsky (refreshments and L'Chaims will be served) followed by dancing, singing and marching to Congregation Ohel Yitzchak.

Please feel free to spread the word!!

Gabi Shull

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